Monday, 30 March 2009

Word Processing: LaTEX Introduction (1)

LaTEX is one of open-source word processing which is very powerful and very convenient. Like with other new softwares, if we use for the first time, we need time to learn and accustomized with it. However, once we have use it, it will be much easier and give us independence of our document processing.

For the beginning just try this template. Offcourse you need LaTEX compiler software and winEdt for editing it.


\usepackage{amsmath} % These three rows should be kept
\usepackage{amssymb} % in every document
\usepackage{latexsym} % To use latex symbol font.

\setlength{\textwidth}{16cm} % original: 16, this is width of txt
\setlength{\hoffset}{-2cm} % Horizontal offset: distance of text from tepi kertas
\setlength{\textheight}{24.5cm} % original: 24.5
\setlength{\voffset}{-2cm} % Vertical offset: Jarak antara tulisan dengan tepi kertas

\addtolength{\parskip}{2mm} % Line spacing for new pharagraph


\begin{document} % Begin for whole Document

\begin{center} % Begin for judul: center means ditengah
Demonstration 1: Text, Graduate Year 2008 -- 09
\end{center} % End for judul

Since Mass Spectrometry replaced 2 Dimensional Electrophoresis (2DE) method, the development of proteomics research is much more rapid. The main aims of proteomics are protein identification and quantification. Initially research in proteomics was limited only for peptide identification. Further steps, the research also include protein profiling and its quantitation. Quantitative proteomics is a powerful tool to study the relative change of the same peptide which was treated in different condition. The current emerging of Mass Spectrometry (MS) technology especially on its resolution, accuracy, and speed, has been made quantitative proteomics more powerful to be used in wide proteome analysis. However the outcome data of MS is only spectra, not directly quantitative.

\end{document} % End for whole document

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